This recipe only requires 4 ingredients and is so simple to make. Get your kids in the kitchen with you to help you with this recipe, they will have so much fun making it. I suggest only adults use a mandolin to slice the zucchini because those things can be dangerous! You can also use a potato peeler to get thin strips of zucchini for your roll up. And if you wanted to make this, but didn't want it to be low carb like I did, you could even just use regular cooked lasagna noodles. 


  • 2 large zucchini's- sliced into thin strips
  • 1 bag of pepperonis
  • 1 jar of pizza sauce
  • mozzarella cheese
  • (any seasonings you like, I used Italian, salt, pepper, and some Cajun)


Slice your zucchini into thin strips. Sprinkle some salt on them and let them sit for a few mins, then use a paper towel to get out excess water. Lay the zucchini out and layer them as thick as you would like. Next take a spoonful of pizza sauce and drizzle it over the zucchini. Next lay down your pepperoni's one on top of the other slightly overlapping so when you roll them up, they form roses. Sprinkle each one with some mozzarella cheese. Add any seasonings you would like and roll them up. Set them in a baking dish upright. Once all of them are rolled up, add the remaining pizza sauce and cheese over the top. Bake for 15 minutes at 350 degrees. Broil an additional two minutes to get the cheese really melted and more crispy. Serve and enjoy! 

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